Auto-Classification is able to assign categories and hence meaning to documents with an unprecedented speed and quality. The technology for auto-classification has been developed over the last 15 years – from the first tentative rule based systems to elaborate...

Read Faster with Text Streaming
An interesting new approach to human document understanding is presented by the Boston based startup company „Spritz“. They believe that human understanding of text (i.e. reading) is slowed down by the eye-movement on the text. Therefore they have developed a new...
2014 – Keep Going
Hello everybody, It is a New Year and I want give all our great readers our best wishes for this year 2014! Our small company, Skilja, is now going into its third year already – growing and doing well. Providing excellence in software and consulting is our goal and...
Practical Semantics
As you have seen in previous posts I was pointing out the difficulty for software to really understand English language mainly lies in the ambiguity of words and their related meanings. The technology to resolve this difficulty is called semantic analysis. I recently...
Complex Predicates
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lenerz from University of Cologne As we have seen (read the previous post here), predicates such as be red, be sleeping, snores, be a horse etc. may be conceived of as functions from individuals in...
Understanding the Weather
If you live in Europe you will agree with me that the weather this spring has been the worst since a long time. In fact it was freezing and snowing all through March right into April. And it has not been much better on the East coast in the U.S. We experienced some...
Visiting AIIM 2013
AIIM is the community that provides education, research, and best practices on information management and collaboration. This year the AIIM community met in New Orleans, the city of music and French Creole architecture. New Orleans is also called the “Big...
Why Semantics is Important for Classification
Many automatic classification systems out there today use a pure bag of words approach for finding relevant features that determine the meaning of a document. Few are using correlation and collocation – to account for the fact that words have a different meaning based...
What is the truth?
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lenerz from University of Cologne Statements are propositions which are true with respect to a certain possible world, the discourse world. We have already discussed the concept of the “world’” in a...
How to Create a Mind: Ray Kurzweil and Semantic
I have super great respect for Ray Kurzweil as an inventor. After all his inventions are the basis of work. He built the first scanner, invented OCR and contributed a lot to artificial intelligence. But in his philosophical and scientific writing he sometimes...