Skilja Blog

Here it starts

von | Feb. 9, 2012 | News, Unternehmen

This is the first post of this new site which is dedicated to the theoretical foundations and practical application of document understanding. And it is also with this post that the new company Skilja GmbH comes to life. Skilja is Icelandic and means “understand”. So we at Skilja explore the world of “understanding”, of recognition, of decision making and its application to software products. And this blog is intended to discuss the underlying concepts of human understanding as well as practical applications of software that tries to mimic these.

Most of the theoretical aspects of understanding are based in cognitive science and psychology. A lot of progress has been made in the past in understanding the mechanisms of perception, recognition and decision making. I will in due turn report and discuss some of these findings that are important in relation to the skills we use to process information. Many of these capabilities are the basis of cognitive tasks in everybody’s daily work environment. Given the overwhelming growth of information flow it is desirable to create software products and components that allow us to focus on the important tasks and free us from noise and routine tasks. This is the goal of intelligent document understanding software that we will see emerge more and more in the future. 

This web site publishes articles in irregular intervals. Stay tuned and watch out for new information. I recommend to sign up to these posts using the RSS feed or either Twitter or Google+. The two latter streams will provide additional information and links to related sites and events. Feel free to comment on the posts or send me an e-mail for additional comments or questions. 

In addition this web site hosts several static pages. One about the company Skilja GmbH with a little bit of information what we do in the world of software development and consulting as well as one about the author of these pages. We also we will provide a number of fundamental articles as static pages that can be reached from the menu and static links. These basic articles will be more elaborate than posts and can serve as a reference so you can find relevant information for the topics discussed. Finally we might even add some whitepapers in the future to summarize fundamental concepts.

For now we hope you stay tuned and draw some value from this site.

Alexander Goerke