
VINNA Enterprise Platform

VINNA is Icelandic and means „to work“.

VINNA is our product line for enterprise document processing.VINNA is an open platform that is built on BPMN principles, is multi-tenant, supports staging, versioning, assisted deployment, SLA monitoring and integration of any additional components.

VINNA runs on premise or in the cloud or in a hybrid environment based on standard industry databases.

VINNA Overview

Vinna is a fourth-generation open and process-oriented platform. It allows to define a process in exactly the way as it is optimally operated in your organization. Documents can be processed as individual transaction or in batches. Process designers are given the full flexibility by the underlying hierarchical document model, supporting entities like batches, folders, documents, and pages. The process is created in an easy and intuitive way using a graphical BPMN editor .

The documents are processed as work-items in the flow and passed through activities. Activities are either taken from our standard library provided by Skilja like Import, OCR, Classification, Extraction etc. or custom tasks as integrations into the platform. Any number of activities can be defined in the process as micro services, including arbitrary routing decisions based on intermediate results.

The architecture of Vinna is service oriented (SOA) and the runtime is easily deployed either in the cloud (AWS, Google, Microsoft Azure or private cloud), on premise, or in hybrid environments. All communication between activities, services and databases is transaction based, securely encrypted and authorized according to newest standards and uses standard protocols.

If you want to learn more about classification there are multiple Articles on Processes and Platform.

VINNA Architecture

Vinna is based on a data- and document model that is completely built on transaction safe and scalable storage in modern databases. Using a modular architecture of the communication layer and parallel services Vinna can scale very well. When designed, processes and all corresponding activities including necessary libraries are easily published to a runtime environment with no effort. Any number or runtime environments are supported, either for staging or for multi-tenancy with a requirement for complete separation of data. Processes with more than several 100.000 transactions per day are easily manage­able with intelligent load balancing.

VINNA Process Editor

This easy to use web application allows creation, changing and maintenance complex processes without installation of other tools.

BPMN: Vinna Process Editor follows the standardized BPMN notation that allows a user to visually design the process.

Activities: Vinna Modules are called Activities. They constitute the process steps inside the platform and allow a modular and customizable way of building any process a customer organization needs.

Variables: Vinna supports usage of variables to enhance reusability. Variables are used for configuring activities and support inheritance, making it easy to keep all necessary configuration in a central place.

Media: Media stand for the physical representation of a document or a page like a scanned image in color or black & white, a PDF, an e-Mail or even an audio or video file.

User and Roles Management: Integrated roles management allows to define abstract roles which are then mapped to existing OIDC2.0 identity providers.

VINNA Process Monitor

Process Monitor gives the user a live operational overview across all processes and all work items in an environment, allowing to identify issues early. Administrators and users can monitor each process and each work item down to the detail of documents and fields.

Business Activity Monitor: In a live overview the status of work items in all processes or a filtered selection of processes are continuously monitored.

Versioning: Each process is versioned in Process Editor. In one runtime environment, different process versions can be deployed in parallel. While new work items will use the new process version, existing ones can finish in the version they were started with, eliminating the risk of upgrade standstills.

Environment Management and Staging: Vinna is designed to run processes in a multi-environment system. All environments are managed through one central Process Editor with environment-specific variables, user rights and licenses. With versioning this allows to use built in staging with Development, Test and Production Environments.

Audit Trail: End-to-End traceability is an essential requirement for business-critical document processing. Vinna stores a detailed audit trail of interactions during the process for the lifespan of a work item.