We are proud to announce the release of Vinna 3.0, our open 4th generation Document Processing Platform. We created a totally new and modern UI – with an improved backend to support enterprise performance, scalability and security requirements. Process Editor and Process Monitor are completely redesigned with latest web technologies. Vinna is an open and process-oriented platform, that allows users to define a process in exactly the way as it is optimally operated in a company. The architecture of Vinna is service oriented (SOA) and the runtime is easily deployed either in the cloud (Microsoft Azure, AWS or private cloud), on premise or in mixed environments where the data storage is kept in house and processing happens outside.

What’s another Year?
Now going into our seventh year of concentrated product development we at Skilja still are full of innovation and ideas to create something really unique. In the last few months our main subject “Artificial Intelligence” has become an absolute top topic in the news –...
Happy Birthday Skilja!
On a cold winter day in January 2012 we created Skilja – the Document Understanding Company – and incorporated it in Freiburg/Germany. Unbelievable, that 5 years have passed since then and we celebrated our 5th birthday on January, 20 2017. Happy birthday, Skilja! The...
Vinna – 4th Generation Document Processing Platform
We are glad to introduce the latest version of our software “Vinna”. Vinna is Icelandic and means “work” and this name is self-explanatory as Vinna is a fourth generation platform for digital document processing. Vinna was presented last week at the open house...
Visiting Docville – October 2014
Now already a tradition we just had the fifth meeting of Docville in Brussels this week. Docville is a networking & exchange initiative for executives from the international Information Management ecosystem (Capture, ECM, BPM, BI and BPO),...
2014 – Keep Going
Hello everybody, It is a New Year and I want give all our great readers our best wishes for this year 2014! Our small company, Skilja, is now going into its third year already – growing and doing well. Providing excellence in software and consulting is our goal and...
Skilja New Offices
Internal information/personal note We are pleased to announce that Skilja has opened a subsidiary in Croatia. The office is located in the beautiful city of Novigrad/Cittanova in Istria which is in the North of Croatia and close to the Slovenian/Italian border. This...
Visiting Docville May 2012
I’m just back from the international Docville meeting in Brussels. Docville is a community of professionals in the ECM and capture industry, organized and facilitated by Michael Ziegler which already has more than 800 members on LinkedIn....
Visiting Social Media Analytics Summit
I am just back from an interesting conference in San Francisco on social media analytics. It is a rather small conference; however the market it deals with is growing rapidly. You might ask what social media analytics has to do with document understanding...
Here it starts
This is the first post of this new site which is dedicated to the theoretical foundations and practical application of document understanding. And it is also with this post that the new company Skilja GmbH comes to life. Skilja is Icelandic and means “understand”. So...