We all know that our language is fluid and words can change their meaning over time. Words get extinct and new words are created but more often existing words are adapted to new circumstances. It is interesting to see how this happens in the course of years but...

IDP: Solving bot illiteracy in the digital workforce – Part 2
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jupp Stöpetie In this post we examine the role of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) relative to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and how these technologies drive Digital Transformation when combined. Part one was looking at...
IDP: Solving bot illiteracy in the digital workforce – Part 1
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jupp Stöpetie In this post we examine the role of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) relative to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and how these technologies drive Digital Transformation when combined. In part one we...
Auto Classification and Bias
Personal bias and individual opinions are a big issue in standardized business processing if they happen to influence the outcome of a process and the decisions made. Nobody wants to be subject to random changes in the outcome of a personal request – and yet it...
The Meaning of Words
A famous poem by German poet Christian Morgenstern starts with the line that probably everybody has heard once: “Die Möwen sehen alle aus, als ob sie Emma hießen” which is in the translation by Karl F. Ross: “The seagulls by their looks suggest that...
Visual Classifiers From Random Images
Now this is an interesting experiment that leads us very close to the touch point between machine classification and human imaginations. As described in previous posts, auto-classification algorithms are using features that are extracted from the objects to be...
Practical Semantics
As you have seen in previous posts I was pointing out the difficulty for software to really understand English language mainly lies in the ambiguity of words and their related meanings. The technology to resolve this difficulty is called semantic analysis. I recently...
Understanding the Weather
If you live in Europe you will agree with me that the weather this spring has been the worst since a long time. In fact it was freezing and snowing all through March right into April. And it has not been much better on the East coast in the U.S. We experienced some...
Why Semantics is Important for Classification
Many automatic classification systems out there today use a pure bag of words approach for finding relevant features that determine the meaning of a document. Few are using correlation and collocation – to account for the fact that words have a different meaning based...
What is the truth?
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lenerz from University of Cologne Statements are propositions which are true with respect to a certain possible world, the discourse world. We have already discussed the concept of the “world’” in a...
How to Create a Mind: Ray Kurzweil and Semantic
I have super great respect for Ray Kurzweil as an inventor. After all his inventions are the basis of work. He built the first scanner, invented OCR and contributed a lot to artificial intelligence. But in his philosophical and scientific writing he sometimes...
What is the world?
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lenerz from University of Cologne When asked what we talk about, we would possibly say that we talk about “the world”. But what is the world? Perhaps we would say that the world somehow exists outside...
Taxonomy and Hierarchies
Classification can be defined as modeling real objects via a simplified mathematical representation consisting of a set of characteristic features. The goal of such a description is to collect objects, which are quite similar into one group. A big benefit of the...
What do we talk about?
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lenerz from University of Cologne We, i.e. adult and sound human beings, are able to talk about everything we want to talk about. But what do we want to talk about? We want to talk about our thoughts...
Semantic Technologies for Document Understanding
Document understanding is about understanding text and determining its meaning and entities therein. For unstructured text the meaning of entities or even simple words very often is not clearly devisable and can be very ambiguous. Take a simple number in a text – this...
The Paper Challenge
In one of my favorite movies “Brazil” by Terry Gilliam a man gets suffocated by paper. “Brazil” is a quite bizarre adaptation of the novel “1984” by George Orwell with a lot of ideas how not only society but also technology could evolve much differently than we all...
Faults and Tolerance
Humans have a remarkable capability to compensate for noisy signal and incomplete information. We are able to distinguish and recognize relevant information even when the signal to noise ratio is extremely low. Missing data is reconstructed from context knowledge or...
Structured and Unstructured – what is this?
When you have been involved in plans or projects for automated document processing you have for sure been exposed to the distinction between structured and unstructured information. And you might have gathered an understanding what this means. But what does it really...
Classification of – Chairs
If you have followed my presentations in the past you know that document classification closely corresponds to concept creation of the human mind. The concepts represent classes of real life objects. We are able to recognize concepts and group objects and group them...
Document Understanding Primer
For a long time document understanding has been a research topic in computer sciences. We have seen conferences discussing concepts and approaches to use computers and machine learning for understanding documents. Quite often this topic appears also in proceedings on...