In principle it is possible to train enough representative samples to create a classification scheme that is totally generic for a specific purpose. This is what humans do all the time. Reading a text and correctly classifying it manually into a given...

What is the world?
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lenerz from University of Cologne When asked what we talk about, we would possibly say that we talk about “the world”. But what is the world? Perhaps we would say that the world somehow exists outside...
Classification methods
Classification tries to mimic human understanding. Several methods have been developed in the past to achieve what we as humans can do almost effortless. These methods can be divided into two groups. Rule based classification Rule based systems are...
Skilja New Offices
Internal information/personal note We are pleased to announce that Skilja has opened a subsidiary in Croatia. The office is located in the beautiful city of Novigrad/Cittanova in Istria which is in the North of Croatia and close to the Slovenian/Italian border. This...
New Artificial Intelligence – NAI
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Süleyman Arayan, Founder & CEO of German ITyX Group Recently Science has made an enormous progress in the field of processing naturally linguistic texts. Thus a new generation of artificial intelligence achieves recognition...
Taxonomy and Hierarchies
Classification can be defined as modeling real objects via a simplified mathematical representation consisting of a set of characteristic features. The goal of such a description is to collect objects, which are quite similar into one group. A big benefit of the...
What do we talk about?
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lenerz from University of Cologne We, i.e. adult and sound human beings, are able to talk about everything we want to talk about. But what do we want to talk about? We want to talk about our thoughts...
Visiting Text Analytics Summit
Text Analytics is a part of the discipline that we call Document Understanding on this site. Originally focused on text mining, text analytics moves more and more to real time analysis of documents to create actionable insight. This year’s conference in Boston was the...
Semantic Technologies for Document Understanding
Document understanding is about understanding text and determining its meaning and entities therein. For unstructured text the meaning of entities or even simple words very often is not clearly devisable and can be very ambiguous. Take a simple number in a text – this...
The Paper Challenge
In one of my favorite movies “Brazil” by Terry Gilliam a man gets suffocated by paper. “Brazil” is a quite bizarre adaptation of the novel “1984” by George Orwell with a lot of ideas how not only society but also technology could evolve much differently than we all...