This is the fourth and final post on the characteristics of a good content based classifier. In previous posts we have focused on presentation of statistical results and comparison of the Skilja Classifier to a plain vanilla naïve Bayes classifier in Recall-Precision...

Classification and Context
This is a situation that probably sounds familiar to you: You meet a person and you are sure that you know him/her well and that you have already seen him or her many times – but you cannot remember who it is. More precisely – you cannot put the person into a context....
The Meaning of Words
A famous poem by German poet Christian Morgenstern starts with the line that probably everybody has heard once: “Die Möwen sehen alle aus, als ob sie Emma hießen” which is in the translation by Karl F. Ross: “The seagulls by their looks suggest that...
What is a good classifier? (3/4)
In recent articles about classifier quality we have focused on the overall statistical results. For this we have used either the precision-recall graph or the inverted precision graph. While these are very good tools to predict the overall quality of a classification...
Auto-Classification Technologies and RFID Smart Docs
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Cláudio Chaves from TCG Brazil Recent advances in the auto-classification technologies – as described in this blog – have provided a substantial manual labor reduction for several companies related to physical...
What is a good classifier? (2/4)
In our small series about classification quality we have used the precision-recall graph to show the difference between a very good and a so-so classifier in a recent post that you can find here. This graphical representation is very common and easy to understand....
OCR on Historical Documents
Skilja is proud to announce that we have received a grant from the European Union supporting a research and development project to improve OCR on historical documents. The grant is provided through the Eurostars program of the European Union. This program supports...
Visual Classifiers From Random Images
Now this is an interesting experiment that leads us very close to the touch point between machine classification and human imaginations. As described in previous posts, auto-classification algorithms are using features that are extracted from the objects to be...
Visiting Docville – October 2014
Now already a tradition we just had the fifth meeting of Docville in Brussels this week. Docville is a networking & exchange initiative for executives from the international Information Management ecosystem (Capture, ECM, BPM, BI and BPO),...
Intelligence Everywhere: Top 10 Technology Trends 2015
Gartner has just published their outlook on the strategic technical developments that will be important for enterprises in the next three years. Well – it seems that we at Skilja are at the right place with what we are doing. We have known this for a long time and our...